This may go down as one of the coolest things EVER. British product designer, OSCAR DIAZ, came out with the Ink Calendar in 2007, but I'm still talking about it!
So, get this:
There are 12 jars of ink – 1 for each month. At the beginning of each month, a jar is placed on the paper, with the days of the month embossed in one continuous line. Day by day, by capillary action, the numbers absorb the ink.
Using time to display time. A modern-day adaptation of the hourglass. Still pretty genius, yes?
BTW, I'm also just a sucker for beautifully embossed paper. Gets me every time.
Diaz chose the ink colors according to the general temperature/weather of that month. For instance: winter = dark blue, summer=red.
And if you happen to be in Madrid within the next 2 months, it will be on display as part of "SueƱos de un Grifo", an exhibition about water and design at the Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid (July 17 - October 11, 2009).
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