Including work from over 2,000 artists and 250 art galleries from all over the world, Art Basel Miami Beach is a sister event to Art Basel Switzerland, the world's premiere art show that has been occurring for the past 40 years.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it, but a good friend of mine, Naja, made it down there, and L-O-V-E-D it. I asked her to report back to me, and here's what she had to say:
A couple of weeks back, I had the pleasure of heading down to warm Miami Beach for the spectacular gathering of Art Basel. I didn’t know what to expect, since I’ve never been to Art Basel before. I’ve also never been to Miami.
I must say, Miami was sort of what I had imagined. Art Deco, neon signs, palmtrees, beautiful beaches, Cubans, Italians, Bentleys and Rolls Royces. 80s style, Miami Vice and Don Johnsons. So I must admit it might all have affected my Art Basel experience, but oh, how I loved it.
Art everywhere!
Paintings, sculptures, light installations! From underground, raw art spaces to million dollar events, big hotels and fancy hairdos. Another funny thing was that lots of New Yorkers were there in Miami, so it was almost like a big New York party but just located under the sunny blue sky and pastel coloured streets...
A lot of people dressed the part and were walking art pieces, but most people were just wearing their fanciest gear, dressed to impress at one of the many parties. I was excited to walk through the Convention Center to see all the different colours, shapes and inventions.
I thought a lot about what goes through people's minds when they come up with all these far-out things. On the first day, I took a little break on the beach, and I looked out to the water and there was a little floating house... I realized later it was a part of an art piece, but in the moment I just thought South Beach was quite a special place.
I especially loved the Design District, and the more ‘”raw” streets, where the walls where covered with paintings...and with heart and soul. I shall return to Art Basel again! And Miami and its Art Deco, is quite a sight in itself.
– Naja Rosa
Thanks Naja, for being my first official oyster-sauce reporter! You've convinced me...I'm definitely heading down next year.
P.S. Naja Rosa is a musician, photographer and an amazingly creative spirit. Check out her music here.