Skylight Vitrine (by day)
Skylight Vitrine (by night)
Skylight Vitrine (by night, detail)
Sphera (detail)
Sphera (detail)
Last weekend, I was able to check out this super-cool show at Hendershot Gallery. It was a frigid Saturday afternoon, so I was unsure as to how many people would be out and about in the gallery district. LUCKY ME, not one, but TWO of the artists that participated in this group show were there, and I got the chance to chat them up.
The above pieces were created by Austrian-born sculptor, Alois Kronschlaeger. He had just arrived from Art Basel a few days prior, where he displayed the Skylight Vitrine (above), which is an actual bed that includes a sculpted mesh "skylight" formed out of wire mesh and paint that has been dripped onto it. The result? A very organic, almost stalagtite (but way sexier) type of effect that glows day and night (there are lights embedded into the upper surface of the bed). The details are simply breathtaking.
Another piece that he has on display at Hendershot is Sphera, in which he applied the same technique. It's a large walk-in sphere made of the same materials: wire mesh and paint that he dripped onto it. Once inside, light shines through the areas of mesh that haven't been coated with paint, which makes for a very graphic display.
What's so interesting to me is that he was able to create such a dream-like and surreal experience for the viewer by using cold, industrial materials.
In addition to Alois's sculptures, there are video pieces created by Trialogue (a group of collaborators consisting of Matthias Neumann, Adi Shniderman, Ella ben Aharon and Edo Ceder) scattered throughout the corridor (which are HILARIOUS, by the MUST see them), as well as other fantastic work by other artists.
DO check this show out at Hendershot. I promise, promise, promise you'll leave inspired and enlightened.
Read details about the show here.
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