Friday, December 18, 2009


So, here's the thing.

I'm not a beer fan. If I'm handed one, most likely I'm not going to drink 
it (or like it anyway). Can anyone honestly claim that beer actually 
tastes good?

Yeah. I didn't think so.

I am, however, always a fan of cute little owls, and Japanese Hitachino beer packaging has completely stolen my heart with this adorable little guy. I fell for it first time I laid eyes on one of their bottles. I love the sort of crude illustration, the playful color palette and the patterns. 

My fave is the Celebration Ale with the Japanese-style rising sun and mountain in the background. It almost makes me want to drink one. 


1 comment:

  1. I know a lot of folks who would asks the same taste question about wine. I myself like both beer and wine, but whiskey is my passion.
