Gods vs. After Dark
I came across this cover image of Toronto-based illustrator, Henrik Drescher's book, Gods, the other day. Talk about déjà vu! Isn't it eerily similar to that Murakami cover that I posted on Sunday? It's like After Dark's more earthy, organic, aged, hand-made cousin. I believe the dots on After Dark are actually silver foil, giving it the rainbow effect.
I can't really say which I prefer. There's something so quietly exquisite about both of them.
Drescher is an INCREDIBLE illustrator that I discovered about 5 years ago. I own one of his books, Turbulence, which is literally a feast for the eyes and fingertips! Lots of beautiful laser-cut paper, die-cuts, gorgeous hand-rendered type and other treats for nerdy designers. Here are a couple of my favorite spreads:
His drawings are mysterious, raw, and a little bit (lotta bit) creepy (but in a good way!). If you can handle babies with flames for hair and such, you should pick up a copy!
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